97.5% of Family Caregivers Recommend this Care

Read what people say about Brandman Centers for Senior Care

97.5% of Family Caregivers Recommend this Care

Read what people say about Brandman Centers for Senior Care


William Kreiling


Dr. Michael Berman recommended June and I join Brandman Center. Karla (from Brandman) came over to the house. June, my wife, said, sounds good to me. I said, I’m willing to go to find out.

I wasn't nervous about coming to the Center. I like that I was able to stay with my doctor.

This is a great organization. I love the people here!  Everybody that was taking care of me, they are so nice. I am fine here.

When I have a problem, I usually don’t like to discuss my personal problems. Karla, who has been my social worker ever since I’ve been here, we sit down and talk and she tells me things that she needed, and I tell her things. I just feel at home here. The staff makes me feel at home.

You guys got it all when it comes to activities, let me tell you. I’ve known other organizations and they don’t come close. I wouldn’t have been here that long, if I didn’t believe that.

And the food is good! I used to look forward to coming here for lunch [before the pandemic].

The Doctors are good, all the doctors, you’ve had. I always had good contact with the Nurses, the Doctors, and the clinic.  Even though I’m 98, I feel like I’m about 78.  I enjoy coming here, I really do. They’re wonderful!

I would recommend Brandman Center. If you look all over LA, you are not going to find a better organization than this one.


Rose Robinett

Participant - joined 2016

What is your favorite part of coming to Brandman Centers for Senior Care?

“I always look for an excuse to come to the center. I love all the activities, I love the dancing and the music. I just love it all”

How do you feel about BCSC?


Did you have any concerns before you joined BCSC?

“Not one concern, never a problem. It was a great choice and I’ve been happy here for many years”.

What did the BCSC staff do to put you at ease?

“I was constantly questioned about what I needed and what I was comfortable with. Before joining Brandman I had never been asked what made things easy for me. I was always used to being ordered what to do and never given the appropriate time or patience. At Brandman they are all above patient with me.”

What would you share with others considering this program?

“I would be sure to list ALL the things Brandman takes care of and how well they take care of me. Brandman provides such good work and all my questions are answered, and I have a lot of questions! Brandman always keeps me well informed.”


Michael Pappoe-gigapixel-lines-width-450px

Michael Pappoe

Did you have any reservations before joining Brandman Centers for Senior Care?

No, the all-inclusive care and coordination of care attracted me to BCSC PACE.

What do you think of the staff at Brandman?

Staff was very accommodating in addressing all my medical needs. They were quick to resolve any issues I had with my medical care.

What do you think of the services?

The services are good. I don’t have to worry about them because the team coordinates all my medical services for me.

What is your advice to people considering joining?

It’s a great program. I would encourage them to join without hesitation


Tadeusz Wojnicki

Participant - joined 2020

Did you have any reservations before joining Brandman Centers for Senior Care?

No reservations at all. Everything is nice.

What do you think of the staff at Brandman?

The staff is very nice and they care for my medical needs.

What do you think of the services?

Medicine delivery and coordination of medical appointments is well organized.

What is your advice to people considering joining?

It’s a great place and people working at BCSC are great. Definitely recommend them to join BCSC.

Testimonials from Caregivers


Felice Blair

Caregiver - 11/9/2020

Before I joined Brandman, I had many questions. Would his care be individualized for his needs and interests? Would I get a break from being the caretaker at home? Would we have to change his doctors?

The staff listened to my concerns. They addressed my Bernard's individual needs by taking suggestions. I brought in travel brochures for him to read, stamps to view [during the days he spent at Brandman center].

I most of all appreciated the tender loving care, he was given. Excellent medical care. I was afforded long overdue, well-needed respite. Brandman's nurses and CNAs are friendly and always provide an upbeat positive atmosphere. Dr. Hicks-Walker is Bernard’s angel, always invested in his well being.

I am grateful a friend told me about BCSC. It has been a Godsend!


Steve Rottman


The stress of it all was hurting my dad
My mom was in very bad shape with Parkinson’s. She had many doctors that she needed to coordinate with and it was me doing all the coordination. My main concern in the beginning was to find help & support in coordinating all the medical attention that my mom required.  Up to that point it was just my father and I that were providing the transportation in coordinating for my mom. The stress of it all was hurting my dad and created a huge demand for my time.

Brandman Center's quality of care
I was very relieved to learn that Brandman already had doctors in place from many disciplines to help my mom. Brandman also provided a way for my mom to continue to work with some of the more specialized doctors she already had a relationship with.

We had many friends and family who were familiar with Brandman Center and the quality of care, so we had no concerns regarding the quality of care that my mom would receive.

There are so many requirements at the Brandman Center has to meet in order to maintain their position as a top notch PACE organization as well as, I’m sure, other requirements. It provides me and my sister with a huge level of comfort knowing that the folks at the Brandman center do an excellent job meeting those requirements. They do it with a smile on their face and real caring in their hearts. That’s the feeling that our family has about the Brandman Center.

No longer feel alone
The entire family takes great comfort in knowing that both of my parents are being cared for by the Brandman Center.  The days of having to worry to schedule doctor appointments, find specialists and sort through referrals for both my parents is still fresh in our minds. The Brandman Center has relieved my sister and myself from having those worries on our shoulders alone. We no longer feel alone in caring for our parents because we are working with the Brandman Center now.

Calm, patient, helpful, encouraging
It may sound very cliché but everyone at the Brandman Center was very calm, patient, helpful and encouraging.  This went a long way towards helping me feel we were on the right path with the right people. Everyone at the Brandman center has kept this pattern alive and healthy to this day.

I am constantly relieved and simultaneously surprised with the entire staff at the Brandman Center I have interacted with. Everyone there takes their position there to heart. It shows in how they care for our loved ones, and in how they respond to me and my worries, cares and requests for help.

I do talk about the Brandman Center to other people in my life who have aging parents.  I talk about the humanity and truly caring disposition of the people that work at the Brandman Center. I can feel it on the phone when I talk to a nurse or doctor or scheduler or even the person working the front desk and especially with the social workers. They are not simply putting on a show for me of caring for my parents. Rather the Brandman Center has a knack for hiring people for whom this appears to be life calling not just a job.


Fern Bloom


Worried she would lose control of her choices
When my Mom and I were contacted to join the Brandman Center, my Mom took months to accepting the idea. She was 93 at the time. She would say NO to any changes throughout her life without trying something new.

But the diligence and comforting from Sheri Golden, the nurses and the social workers (who are caring, funny and dedicated) encouraged my Mom to try it before negating it. Yay!

Mom was worried her life would drastically change. She worried she would lose control of her choices and doctors, and that did NOT happen. In fact, she kept the same specialists that I was taking her to; her same ophthalmologist & podiatrist! That made it easier to accept and feel comfortable.

After joining, my mom thrived
After joining Brandman, my Mom thrived. She was going 3-4x a week and making friends, being mentally stimulated, her daily medical and  dietary needs were taken care of, she was engaged. She wanted to go more!

She loved the singing, musical entertainment, as well as the rabbi coming on Tuesdays to discuss upcoming holidays & traditions. She borrow books from Steve (which kept her mind active) and then discussed them with me and her group afterwards.

Her weekend medications were administered and delivered on time, so that I didn’t have to worry if she took the proper medicines and doses.

I wish mom would've joined earlier
The difference that Brandman Center has made was that my Mom had a weekly ‘plan or goal’ of a place of importance to be. She had something to look forward to each week and was disappointed when there was a holiday and it was closed. Brandman became her extended family & a place of community

As the only child of an aging parent, I wished my Mom would’ve joined earlier to reap more benefits and be engaged in life - that’s what I’d recommend other loved ones to consider. The quality of life my Mom had until the pandemic hit- made her life until 99+ so worthwhile. We’ve always raved and recommended Brandman to neighbors and friends.

Made her feel important and special
Once being a part of the Brandman community, she would be thrilled (and told me) that different staff people (she couldn’t remember their names) would come to ‘visit her’ at her table to ‘schmooze’ with her! She enjoyed speaking with Sheri Golden, dietician Randi, as well as her social worker, Ari. As everyone brought a smile to her face to make her feel important & special.

I couldn’t imagine life in my Mom’s last 6 or 7 years NOT being a Brandman member! She would tell us all about her day and coming home on the bus. At holiday times or family occasions, she would eagerly tell our family about her activities and social life! What a blessing it has been.

Everyone was caring & knowledgeable... if there was a question that they didn’t know; they’d find someone to answer it for us.

Helped choose the right assisted living
We were fortunate that once my Mom moved into an assisted living facility, a caregiver would be with her for her monthly eye injections or visits to the Nephrologist, etc. That made our lives easier and less stressful; knowing she was well taken care for. Also, the Brandman staff helped us to make the right choice of living facilities .

As mom's health changed
I want to thank AGAIN Nurse Practitioner Cathy Furman for keeping me informed, taking the time and care to guide me as my Mom’s health & mind changed. She explained all the steps I needed to fill out life-planning forms as her life needs changed.

When my Mom was hospitalized & then moved into Taper rehab 2 separate times, for many weeks each time, I SO appreciate the staff at Brandman coming to visit her as well as allowing her to see her ‘friends’ in the adjoining patio or when receiving clinic treatments and doctor visits.

My Mom loved when I was able to visit and do pet therapy over the years with my 2 separate certified therapy dogs. The other participants loved to see us as well (and the staff) by getting a hug or a paw to shake! It made everyone’s day.

An Active Part of Her Care
Lastly, as my Mom declined rapidly this year (2020). I want to thank everyone AGAIN for the care and direction given to assist me with the correct decision of using Skirball Hospice. Their attentiveness to all the details and communication helped me in her final days. The nurses were extremely well trained and were in constant contact with me.

In fact, when my Mom passed, the attending nurse called me and said that she won’t leave (since I wasn’t allowed to be there) until the mortuary took my Mom from her room. She felt she needed to stay with her and put her wig back on to keep her dignity.

In this awful time of being kept away from my Mom for 7 months, except seeing her through a window (which I know accelerated her dementia decline), with no inside visitors, no pet therapy visits, no holiday or regular family celebrations; due to the virus- I knew that Brandman was an active part in her well being & medical care.

I could not imagine how different life would’ve been for us.
We were and are blessed that Brandman was such an integral part of our life.

Thank you so much.


Gilda Evans


There are certain times in life when words just don't seem to suffice. This is one of those.

My amazing dad was in the care of the doctors and staff of the Brandman center during his residency at Los Angeles Jewish Health and before his passing last March (not Covid related).

I recall when he first decided to join Brandman, he was hesitant about the quality of care he might receive. His concerns were very soon appeased. He would often comment to me about the superlative attention given to him on all levels.

Personally, I can't thank Brandman enough, in particular Dr. Casey Ott, who cared for my dad in his last years. They always went the extra mile to ensure my father got what he needed.

Much more than just going through the motions, the warmth expressed by Brandman doctors and staff on a daily basis helped to make my dad's life easier. Whether for an activity, a medical appointment, or just to reach out and say hello, it is apparent that they all love what they do, and they pass that love along to whomever is fortunate enough to be in their care.

Share your experience with Brandman

97.5% of family caregivers recommend the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly to someone in a similar situation. From a survey by the National PACE Association, released August 2018. More information here.


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